Veterinary Surgeon as an Expert Witness

All Species

Contact Hours

10 Hours - RACE Approval Pending

Early Booking Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970

Registration Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970





Practice/Business Management

Industry Partners


Veterinary Partners


Recorded: May 2022


H. Stevens & D. Martin    
Introduction to Veterinary Expert Witness Services
60 min
David Martin
Animal Welfare Legislation
60 min
David Martin
Collecting & Managing Evidential Material - A Universal Approach
120 min
David Martin
Statement Collecting - A Universal Approach
50 min
Hazel Stevens
What the Barrister Expects of an Expert Witness & Court Procedures    
90 min
H. Stevens & D. Martin
Case Reviews & Court Room Skills - Evidence of Witness
90 min
H. Stevens & D. Martin
Case Reviews & Court Room Skills - Testing the Evidence Witness   
90 min


Whilst Welfare, Ethics and Law is considered to be a specialist field in its own right, many veterinary clinicians are inadvertently dragged into legal situations as a result of their day-to-day work. This course will prepare colleagues in all veterinary disciplines to carry out this role efficiently and to gain a reasonable understanding of the relevant and essential legislation by giving an overview of the role of the veterinary surgeon as an expert witness. The course also covers the RCVS advice regarding expert witnesses and how to prepare an investigative visit, collect evidence, handle contemporaneous notes, and prepare the statement. There will also be case assessments, using real historic case material and delegates are encouraged to bring their own cases, which will be discussed, criticised, and improved in terms of data collection, tracking and management.

Recorded: May 2022

Dave graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1997 and immediately joined Brownlow Vet Group.

Brownlow Vet Group at that time had 5 vets who at the time was  a genuine rural mixed practice with everyone doing everything. Since that time, the practice has grown to 11 vets and has divided into a large animal division  and a small animal division although Dave being unable to make his mind up works in both of them. Brownlow was acquired by IVC Evidensia in 2017.

For the last 20 years Dave has provided veterinary input to welfare investigations initially locally but nowadays both nationally and occasionally internationally. A wide range of Clients have sought and continue to seek his opinion on everything from starved horses, sexually abused dogs through to hamsters with MDMA habits and monkeys smoking cannabis.

 In March 2021 Dave became the Group Animal Welfare Advisor for IVC Evidensia and is involved in as diverse programmes as launching the Non-accidental Injury Helpline and the Welfare Casework Support package through to managing the Care Fund on a Group Wide Basis. He continues to do a considerable amount of forensic and animal welfare related consultancy work on an international basis.

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Hazel was called to the Bar in 2001 following a career in shipping and overseas trade, during which she travelled widely negotiating contracts and facilities management services, holding a directorship in a multinational shipping line. Hazel specialises in animal cruelty cases, prosecuting regularly for the RSPCA throughout the UK. Having particular knowledge of cases involving wild birds she has successfully prosecuted a number of high profile cases involving trapping of wild birds and cruelty to battery hens, including cases on appeal challenging expert evidence and the burden of proof. Having been instructed in numerous cases involving the examination and cross examination of expert witnesses, Hazel has acquired significant knowledge of animal and bird welfare, veterinary intervention and terminology that assists in presenting a coherent case.

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