Periodontal Disease Management


Contact Hours

3 Hours

Early Booking Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970

Registration Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970





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Veterinary Partners


Recorded on: 18th April 2023


Jack Easley   DVM, MS, ABVP, DAVDC (Eq) – Easley Equine Dentistry, USA
Hubert Simhofer   Dr.Med.Vet, DAVDC (Eq), DEVDC (Eq) – University of Vienna, Austria
Nicole du Toit   BVSc, MSc, CertEP, PhD, DEVDC (Eq), DAVDC (Eq), MRCVS – The Equine Dental Clinic, UK


Paddy Dixon   MVB, PhD, DECVD (Eq), FRCVS – Consultant, UK



Periodontal disease affects 50% of the equine population in some countries and is one of the most common dental diseases in horses, causing considerable pain– why has this condition been so neglected until recently?  Treatment can be frustrating with multiple visits often required and end stage periodontal disease may require extraction in order to achieve oral comfort.

Join our panel of internationally recognised dental specialists as they discuss diagnosis of the root cause of periodontal disease including the prognostic value of diagnostic imaging in addition to the best approach to treating these cases including guidelines of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and antimicrobial use and the role of orthodontics. An update of recent relevant research will also be provided. The discussion will be fully interactive and the audience are encouraged submit questions and comments to the panel.

A graduate of University College Dublin, later obtaining a PhD in equine respiratory disorders at The University of Edinburgh, Professor Dixon has spent most of his professional life at the Dick Vet, where he has specialised in equine respiratory and dental disorders.

He is an internationally recognised expert in both these fields and our department is recognised as one of the foremost international centres for clinical work and clinical research in equine dental and upper respiratory surgery.

He is currently an editor of the standard international textbooks on equine respiratory and dental diseases and has over 200 publications and 3000 citations on these areas. He also lectures and gives practical workshops extensively around the world in these areas.

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Jack Easley received a DVM degree from Tuskegee University in 1976. After completing a Large Animal Internship at Oklahoma State University, he served as an Associate Professor of Surgery at Kansas State University from 1978 to 1980 where he completed an Equine Surgical Residency and received a Masters Degree in Surgery. He was an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, 1980-1982.  In 1982, he was certified as a Diplomate for the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Equine) and was recertified in 1992, 2002, and 2012. He most recently has become board certified by the American Veterinary Dental College as an equine dental specialist. 

For over 40 years, Dr. Easley has lectured extensively on and promoted equine veterinary dentistry throughout the world. He has written hundreds of articles for publication in professional as well as lay equine journals, textbooks, and periodicals. He serves on the editorial review boards for Equine Veterinary Education, Equine Veterinary Journal, and the Veterinary Dental Journal. Dr. Easley is the co-editor and major contributor of Equine Dentistry.

Dr. Easley resides in Shelbyville, Kentucky where he owns a private practice emphasizing equine dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, medicine and reproduction. He consults extensively in the areas of dental and maxillofacial surgery and accepts referrals from veterinarians seeking help in these areas.  

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Diplomate of the Equine Branches of the American and European Veterinary Dental Colleges, Swiss (SVPM/ASME) and German (IGFP) Certificates in Equine Dentistry

Hubert graduated from the University of Vienna in Veterinary Medicine in 1992. Following a two year period in a private equine clinic near Vienna, he completed his doctoral thesis in 1996 and returned to the University as an assistant at the Clinic for Surgery where he specialised in Equine Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery. In 2013 Hubert became a specialist of the newly formed equine branches of the American and European Dental Colleges. Since 2015 Hubert is associate professor for Equine Surgery in Vienna. In 2020, Hubert set up his own clinic Tierklinik Gaaden.

Hubert has published several studies and clinical articles in peer-reviewed veterinary journals and lectures regularly at national and international courses and conferences on equine dentistry.

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Nicole qualified from South Africa in 200 and came straight to the UK into private practice for 2 years. She then commenced an equine residency at Edinburgh where her interest in dentistry started after working with Proffesor Paddy Dixon. She then stayed on to do a PhD in equine dentistry.

Nicole is a European and American diplomate of equine veterinary dentistry has been doing purely veterinary equine dentistry since 2011. She is a Director of The Equine Dental Clinic based in Dorset performing referral work at their clinic and but also travels to other equine hospitals in the U.K. to perform equine dentistry.

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