Tenoscopy & Bursoscopy - Tips & Tricks (excl. Navicular Bursoscopy)


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3 Hours

Early Booking Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970

Registration Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970





Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy / Physical Therapy

Sports Medicine


Industry Partners


Veterinary Partners


Recorded on: 28th June 2022


Bruce Bladon   BVM&S, CertEP,  DESTS, DECVS, FRCVS - Donnington Grove Vet Group, UK 
Matt Smith   BVetMed, DECVS, DEO, MRCVS – Newmarket Equine Hospital, UK
Wes Sutter    DVM, MS, DACVS - Kentucky Equine Hospital, USA


Roger Smith    MA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, FHEA, DECVSMR, DECVS, ECVDI Assoc. – RVC, UK



Tendon sheath and bursal injuries are common but continue to present challenges to clinicians in terms of diagnosis and successful treatment.  This panel discussion will be wide-ranging, using case examples to illustrate points and will cover ‘Tips & Tricks’ regarding the best diagnostic approach, the range of pathologies seen in these structures and when surgery or medical management is most appropriate.  Discussion of surgical techniques will be complemented by an exchange on the subsequent rehabilitation and expected outcomes. 

Come and listen to the wealth of clinical experience that our international panelists – Drs. Bruce Bladon (UK), Wes Sutter (USA) & Matthew Smith (UK) – possess to help optimise your approach to these challenging cases.  There will be plenty of opportunity for attendees to ask questions and share their own experience.


Bruce is the hospital director at Donnington Grove Veterinary Group in Newbury. His interests include colic, arthroscopy and fracture repair. He has been one of the pioneers of surgery in the standing horse, and he is one of the most experienced equine surgeons in the UK. He has lectured and taught around the world on the techniques and results of equine surgery.  Bruce is currently President elect of BEVA.

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After completing his surgical residency, Matt returned to Newmarket to work for the referrals department of Newmarket Equine Hospital in 2006. Matt is interested in all areas of equine surgery, but with particular emphasis on orthopaedic surgery, and more specifically arthroscopy and fracture repair.

Matt has presented on numerous occasions both nationally and internationally, and published his work in peer reviewed scientific journals. He has also taught on post-graduate courses in surgery, fracture repair, diagnostic techniques and arthroscopy. Matt has also maintained an active role in undergraduate teaching, and since 2006 he has held the post of Special Lecturer in Equine Surgery at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham.

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Roger Smith is Professor of Equine Orthopaedics at the Royal Veterinary College, London, UK. He qualified as a veterinary surgeon from Cambridge University (UK) in 1987, having obtained a First for his undergraduate degree and a Cambridge Blue at swimming. After 2 years in practice, he returned to academia to undertake further clinical training as a Resident in Equine Studies at the Royal Veterinary College. Following his residency, he undertook a 3 year research project culminating in the award of a PhD for his studies on the extracellular matrix of equine tendon.

He remained at the Royal Veterinary College, first as a Lecturer in Equine Surgery, then as Senior Lecturer in Equine Surgery before his appointment as Professor in Equine Orthopaedics in December 2003.

He holds the Diploma of Equine Orthopaedics from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and is a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Specialist in Equine Surgery. He is a Diplomate of the European Colleges of Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, and is also a Large Animal Associate of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging.

In 2016, he was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contribution to knowledge and was elected to president of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in July 2017.

He divides his time between running a specialist orthopaedic referral service within the Royal Veterinary College, where he is involved in lameness diagnostics, imaging and orthopaedic surgery, and continuing to direct research into equine tendon disease. His principal research interests are understanding the pathogenesis of tendon disease, diagnostics for tendon and ligament disease, and stem cell therapy for tendons in both horses and humans.

He is married to a medical doctor and has two sons.

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Dr. W. Wesley Sutter was born in Lander, Wyoming. He received his bachelors of science in biochemistry from Colorado State University in 1997. He then completed his doctor of veterinary medicine from Colorado State University in 2000. Following veterinary school he completed a one-year rotating equine surgery and medicine internship at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. After completing his internship, Dr. Sutter completed a surgical residency at The Ohio State University where he later served as an assistant professor in equine orthopedic surgery before entering private practice as a surgeon at Ocala Equine Hospital. After 5 years at Ocala Equine Hospital, he co-founded Lexington Equine Surgery and Sports Medicine in Lexington Kentucky. Dr. Sutter is now practicing at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital. His primary interests are in equine orthopedics, upper respiratory surgery and lameness. He is the author of several scientific papers and book chapters.

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