Facial Suture Line Periostitis – Causes, Sequelae & Treatment


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1 Hour - RACE Approval Pending

Early Booking Deadline

Thu, 01 January, 1970

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Thu, 01 January, 1970





Diagnostic Imaging

Internal Medicine – Endocrinology, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Parasitology & Oncology


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Veterinary Partners


Recorded: November 2022


The facial bone suture lines, especially the naso-frontal and the lacrimal bone suture lines are very interesting fibrous joints between these flat bones. They facilitate intra-membranous bone growth in the young and remain open in many species, including horses in maturity (unlike the cranial bone sutures that close once full bone growth is achieved). The facial sutures serve as shock-absorbers for the head region and can dissipate masticatory and external forces, including to protect the brain and orbit. Trauma to the head region (including from surgery) can destabilise and thus induce a proliferative reaction in the sutures to re-stabilise the affected joint(s). Most associated facial swellings later spontaneously resolve. A minority of cases, especially those with open wounds to the sutures develop infections and possibly sequestration of the margins of the adjacent bones that need treatment.

A graduate of University College Dublin, later obtaining a PhD in equine respiratory disorders at The University of Edinburgh, Professor Dixon has spent most of his professional life at the Dick Vet, where he has specialised in equine respiratory and dental disorders.

He is an internationally recognised expert in both these fields and our department is recognised as one of the foremost international centres for clinical work and clinical research in equine dental and upper respiratory surgery.

He is currently an editor of the standard international textbooks on equine respiratory and dental diseases and has over 200 publications and 3000 citations on these areas. He also lectures and gives practical workshops extensively around the world in these areas.

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