Assisted Reproduction: Ovum Pick-Up (OPU) & Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
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3 Hours - RACE Approval Pending
Reproduction / Theriogenology
Veterinary Partner

Time: London 6PM / Paris 7PM / New York 1PM / Sydney 5:00AM (+1)
Anthony Claes DVM, PhD, DACT - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ryan Ferris DVM, MS, DACT - Summit Equine, USA
Lee Morris BVSc, DVSc, DACT - EquiBreed ART, New Zealand
Charles Scoggin DVM, MS, DACT - Rood and Riddle, USA
The use of assisted reproductive techniques has, and continues, to increase in equine breeding. These technologies may reduce wastage, with increased progeny and the potential for genetic improvement.
This panel discussion will provide a truly unique, global insight into the clinical use of ICSI and OPU, with the worlds’ leading minds. As well as sharing their personal knowledge and case experiences, with panellists encouraged to share their failures as well as successes, this group will appraise the current knowledge base, discuss the potential future of assisted reproduction in equine breeding across the world and at practice level, and contextualise these techniques with responsible breeding practices.
With audience participation highly encouraged, this interactive panel discussion will be a key event for veterinarians worldwide with an interest in equine breeding.
Anthony is an Assistant Professor in Equine Reproduction (Team Leader Equine Reproduction) since 2014. Anthony graduated in 2005 at the U. Gent, Belgium. He then completed a Residency in Equine Reproduction at UCDavis, California. After working for one year as a veterinarian at the Scone Veterinary Hospital in Australia, he returned to UCDavis as a lecturer. Then moved to Gluck Equine Research Center in Kentucky, USA, where he completed his PhD training. Anthony is a diplomate of the American College for Theriogenology. Today, Anthony oversees the daily operation of the Equine Reproduction Center in Utrecht. The Equine Reproduction Center at Utrecht is likely the leading expertise center in all matters related to embryo transfer of fresh and frozen-thawed ICSI embryos, and Ovum Pick Up.
More InfoDr. Ryan Ferris is one of the owners of Summit Equine. Ryan is originally from Washington State, and performed his veterinary training at Washington State University. Ryan went on to perform a residency in theriogenology at Colorado State University and is board-certified in the American College of Theriogenology. Following his residency, Dr. Ferris was invited to stay at Colorado State University as a faculty member and has been there for the last 7 years. He brings to us an extensive background in problem mares and embryo transfer with a internationally recognized research program in diagnostics and therapeutics for endometritis.
More InfoLee graduated from The University of Sydney in 1992 with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. After 2 years in rural veterinary practice in northern NSW, Australia she undertook a 3-year residency programme in Theriogenology at the University of Guelph in Canada during which time she also became a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists in 1997, and then graduated with a Doctorate of Veterinary Science in 1998. Her DVSc thesis work encompassed in vitro studies (IVF) on the production of embryos and the assessment of male fertility. From 1998 to 2001 Lee was employed as the Senior Veterinary Research Scientist at the Equine Fertility Unit in Newmarket (UK) where she worked with Professor Twink Allen and developed the hysteroscopic (low dose) insemination procedure for horses. In 2001 Lee was the Senior Registrar at The University of Sydney from where she provided clinical reproductive services for horses and dogs and conducted research into sex-sorted semen. Lee has been in New Zealand since 2002 and is now the Specialist Equine Reproduction veterinarian at EquiBreed ART Ltd ( In 2004, she became a Registered Specialist in Veterinary Reproduction in Australasia. Her special interests now include artificial insemination (AI), embryo transfer (ET), OPU/ICSI, epididymal spermatozoa, hysteroscopy, equine laparoscopy, semen freezing technology, sex-sorted semen and challenging cases of mare or stallion infertility. Lee provides referral consultancy services to equine vet clinics in New Zealand and Australia.
In 2004, Lee was elected onto the committee for the International Symposium of Equine Reproduction (ISER) and in 2014 she was the local Chairperson for the ISER XI in 2014 in Hamilton, NZ.
Lee has been an Honorary Associate of The University of Sydney (Australia) and an Honorary Lecturer at The University of Waikato (NZ) in recognition of her contribution to research. She has lectured and provided clinical tuition to veterinary students at The University of Guelph (Canada), Cambridge University (UK), Massey University and The University of Sydney (Australia). She has been the industry supervisor of 4 MSc theses (Waikato University, New Zealand) and 2 PhD theses (The University of Sydney, Australia). Lee has published more than 35 peer-reviewed scientific papers, presented her research internationally and written chapters in the Veterinary Clinics of North America and two textbooks on Equine Reproduction.
More InfoDr. Scoggin grew up in Boulder, CO where his parents took part in rodeo and bred running Quarter Horses. Despite this background, he instead aspired to become either a professional basketball player or snowboarder. Subsequent physics lessons inside and out of the classroom eventually changed his mind and steered him back to horses. He attended both graduate and veterinary school at Colorado State University where he obtained a Master of Science degree in Equine Reproductive Physiology in 2001 and a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 2005. He went on to serve a one-year internship at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, which was then followed by an associate veterinarian position at Pioneer Equine Hospital in Oakdale, CA. In 2008, Dr. Scoggin accepted a position as a resident veterinarian at Claiborne Farm where he practiced until 2015. He became a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists (animal reproduction) in 2012, and later joined the team at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in July 2015.
Dr. Scoggin’s professional interests include stallion reproductive physiology and in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques. Dr. Scoggin enjoys spending time with his family, playing pick-up basketball and flying down hills on a skateboard, snowboard or OneWheel.
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