Brad Nelson

DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl.ACVS (LA)

American Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (LA)

Colorado State University, USA

Dr. Nelson is an assistant professor of equine surgery at the Johnson Family Equine Hospital and Veterinary Teaching Hospital in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. He is a principal investigator within the Orthopaedic Research Center and Preclinical Surgical Research Laboratory, where he uses his equine surgical knowledge of detecting and treating orthopedic injury to advance and improve outcomes in horses, while also contributing translational knowledge towards humans in the concept of One Health. Dr. Nelson's research interests are focused on developing and improving imaging and surgical techniques, with particular focus on articular cartilage repair and osteoarthritis.

Brad Nelson

DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl.ACVS (LA)

American Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (LA)

Colorado State University, USA

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Brad Nelson

DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl.ACVS (LA)

American Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (LA)

Colorado State University, USA

No Upcoming Offering