Melanie de Schaetzen


DAP M de Schaetzen, Belgium

Melanie, a dual Belgian-USA citizen completed in 2005 a degree in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences University of Liege. Subsequently she completed an equine internship at the Royal veterinary College in London. During this internship she also passed the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) licensing her to practice veterinary medicine in the US and Canada. Upon completion of her internship, she joined a private practice in Cheshire U.K where she worked for several years. In 2010 she opened her private practice in Belgium specialising in pre-purchase exams and orthopaedics for sport horses for local and cross Atlantic clients for horses in the EU.In  2015 she was asked to become one of the team veterinarian for the  Belgian equestrian team. In that capacity she has accompanied the team to multiple CSI and CDI events including the 2018 World equestrian games held in Tryon, 2020 Olympic Games held in Tokyo and the 2022 World equestrian games held in Herning.

Melanie de Schaetzen


DAP M de Schaetzen, Belgium

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