Philippe Benoit


Americal Specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Consultant, France & USA

Dr. Philippe Benoit graduated from the French Vet School of Alfort in 1991, and then did his military service with the Republican Horse Guards in Paris.

He completed a residency in Sport Medicine and Nutrition for 2 years at Alfort Vet School, and became in 1993 Team Vet for the French Jumping team and participated with the Team and with individuals to a total of 4 Olympic Games, and 5 World Equestrian Games.

His practice in France next to Versailles is shared with a partner and 3 associates, where sport medicine, imaging and follow-up of high-level jumpers and dressage horses are part of his daily work.

More recently Dr. Benoit has been member of the FEI Veterinary Committee, and likes to participate as a lecturer to many seminars, also based on clinical evaluation, imaging and sport medicine follow up of the horse athlete.

Dr. Benoit lives most of his time now in California, and continues lecturing and private consulting of sport horses.

He is married with 4 children. His wife Kate, also a vet, does acupuncture and chiropractic.

He enjoys horseback riding (has been 5th at World Student Championship), sailing and wine tasting.

Philippe Benoit


Americal Specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Consultant, France & USA

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Philippe Benoit


Americal Specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Consultant, France & USA