Rico Vannini

Dr.Med.Vet., Dipl.ECVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (SA)

Bessy's Kleintierklinik, Switzerland

Rico graduated 1981 from the University of Zürich. 1987 he completed his surgical residency training at the Ohio State University, USA. For nine years he was senior assistant and faculty surgeon at the small animal clinic of the University of Zürich. 1994 he became Diplomate the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. 1995 he founded Bessy’s small animal and referral clinic in Zürich. 2015 he sold his clinic to the IVC/ Bessy’s small animal and referral clinic Evidensia group but remains clinical director.

He has been president of AOVET and ESVOT. For many years he was international chairmen of the Education Commission AOVET. Beside orthopaedics and surgery his main interest is canine sports medicine. He is actively involved with agility, bike jöhring and diving.     

Rico Vannini

Dr.Med.Vet., Dipl.ECVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (SA)

Bessy's Kleintierklinik, Switzerland

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Rico Vannini

Dr.Med.Vet., Dipl.ECVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery (SA)

Bessy's Kleintierklinik, Switzerland